5-Oct-2009: Oracle RDBMS passwords solver

I finally spent some time to finish my my FPGA-based Oracle passwords solver, I also made web-interface for it.

It is connected to Internet right now.

Read more about it:


Please remember, for the sake of demonstration speed, now it's solving only 1-8 alpha symbol passwords within one hour, e.g., passwords without digits and punctuation marks.

Please also do not submit any hashes from production systems: they are visible.


Today, 7 Oct 2009, I switched it to 1-7 symbol passwords, all possible symbols are checked now (A-Z0-9#$_). All 7-symbols passwords checked within about 23 minutes.

Today, 17 Oct 2009, I switched it to 1-8 symbol passwords, all possible symbols are checked now (A-Z0-9#$_). All 8-symbols passwords checked within about 15.5 hours minutes.

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