13-Jul-2008: malloc() comments

It is clever idea used in Oracle RDBMS, where, in complex memory control environment, there are a presence of different malloc()-like functions.

Major portion of these malloc()-like functions also have comment-parameter, where caller pass short human-readable parameter, describing, for what this memory will be used.

After that, at any point of program execution, it is possible to see statistics, what are major memory consumers.

Also, in case of memory leakage, it is possible to see, what memory were not freed.

In Oracle RDBMS, if memory is allocated in SGA area, statistics can be seen using V$SGASTAT view.

For example:

SQL> select * from v$sgastat order by bytes desc;

POOL         NAME                            BYTES
------------ -------------------------- ----------
shared pool  free memory                  78190408
             buffer_cache                 20971520
shared pool  sql area                      4756932
java pool    free memory                   4194304
large pool   free memory                   3988096
shared pool  KCB Table Scan Buffer         3981204
shared pool  KSFD SGA I/O b                3977140
shared pool  row cache                     3755444
shared pool  library cache                 3266232
             log_buffer                    2904064
shared pool  kglsim hash table bkts        2097152

POOL         NAME                            BYTES
------------ -------------------------- ----------
shared pool  ASH buffers                   2097152
shared pool  PL/SQL MPCODE                 2046600
shared pool  KGLS heap                     1654696
shared pool  event statistics per sess     1566720
shared pool  CCursor                       1438520
             fixed_sga                     1289508
shared pool  PL/SQL DIANA                  1282072
shared pool  KTI-UNDO                      1235304
shared pool  private strands               1198080
shared pool  KSXR receive buffers          1034000
shared pool  KQR M PO                       979968

Update: Windows NT has something similar: ExAllocatePoolWithTag

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