Cracking Tutorial for Post Gebühren 98 1.12
Understanding the calculations to create a KeyGEN


Target Program: Post Gebühren 98 1.12
Description: Post Gebühren is a program to calculate the money you have to pay for a letter, ... in Germany!
Protection: Name / Serial
Tools needed: - SoftICE 3.24
Ob duh: Do I really have to remind you all that by BUYING and NOT stealing the software you use will ensure that these software houses will continue to produce even *better* software for us to use and more importantly, to continue offering even more challenges to breaking their often weak protection systems.
BTW, It's illegal to use cracked Software!

If you're looking for cracks or serial numbers from these pages then your wasting your time, try to search elsewhere on the Web under Warez, Cracks, etc.
Info: Brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
Level: (X)Beginner (X)Intermediate ( )Advanced ( )Expert

As I was on #Cracking4Newbies last time, someone asked me for a KeyGEN-Tutorial for this program. Normally I don't write anything on request - but this is an exception since the request came from a very good, old friend who had re-started cracking a few weeks before. This tutorial isn't really difficult and I think everyone will understand it (at least I hope).

First of all click on "Registrieren" and enter some fake registration details. I've enterd PIRATED COPY as name, CR@CKING TUTORI@L as company name and 12345 as registration number.

The first important thing I noticed was that everything I enterd is in uppercase. Now we need to set up the necessary breakpoints. So enter SoftICE and set a BPX to HMEMCPY. Now leave SoftICE and press "Registrieren". Since there were 3 Edit Boxes, skip the first two ones. Then press F12 till you're looking at the following code snippet:

  :004535E3    MOV     EDX,[EBP-04]
  :004535E6    MOV     EAX,00472788
  :004535EB    CALL    0040343C
  :004535F0    XOR     EAX,EAX
  :004535F2    MOV     [00472898],EAX
  :004535F7    DWORD PTR [0047289C],00000001           ; set up for calculation
  :00453601    DWORD PTR [004728A4],00000001
  :0045360B    MOV     EAX,[00472780]                  ; move name to EAX
  :00453610    CALL    00403560                        ; get length of name
  :00453615    CMP     EAX,06                          ; length of name <= 6
  :00453618    JLE     0045369F

As you could read in the above code, our name must NOT be <= 6 chars ... so it must be (at least) 7 chars long. Since we know this, we can go on with the code tracing:

  :0045361E    MOV     EAX,[00472780]                  ; move name to EAX
  :00453623    CALL    00403560                        ; get length of name
  :00453628    MOV     ESI,EAX                         ; move length of name to ESI
  :0045362A    TEST    ESI,ESI                         ; is length of 0?
  :0045362C    JLE     00453681
  :0045362E    DWORD PTR [0047289C],00000001           ; set up counter
  :00453638    PUSH    004728A8
  :0045363D    MOV     ECX,00000001                    ; ECX = 1
  :00453642    MOV     EDX,[0047289C]                  ; move counter in EDX
  :00453648    MOV     EAX,[00472780]                  ; move name in EAX
  :0045364D    CALL    00403764
  :00453652    MOV     EAX,[004728A8]
  :00453657    MOV     EDX,[004728A4]
  :0045365D    MOVZX   EAX,BYTE PTR [EDX+EAX-01]       ; get char of name
  :00453662    IMUL    DWORD PTR [0047289C]            ; multiply with counter
  :00453668    MOV     [004728A0],EAX
  :0045366D    MOV     EAX,[004728A0]
  :00453672    ADD     [00472898],EAX                  ; add result of multiplication
  :00453678    INC     DWORD PTR [0047289C]
  :0045367E    DEC     ESI                             ; decrease number of loops left
  :0045367F    JNZ     00453738                        ; did complete name

As you could read in the above assembler source, the routine takes a char from the name, multiplies it (EAX) by the loop number and adds the values of all loops together. Now we understood another important part of our KeyGEN, so go on with the tracing.

  :004535F7    DWORD PTR [0047289C],00000001           ; set up for calculation
  :00453681    IMUL    EAX,[00472898],000007B0         ; multiply result by 7B0h
  :0045368B    MOV     [00472898],EAX
  :00453690    MOV     EDX,00472790
  :00453695    MOV     EAX,[00472898]
  :0045369A    CALL    004029C8
  :0045369F    CMP     DWORD PTR [00472788],00         ; code enterd?
  :004536A6    JZ      00453751
  :004536AC    LEA     EAX,[EBP-08]
  :004536AF    MOV     EDX,00472790
  :004536B4    CALL    0040350C
  :004536B9    MOV     EAX,[EBP-08]                    ; move enterd code to EAX
  :004536BC    MOV     EDX,[00472788]                  ; move real code to EDX
  :004536C2    CALL    00403670                        ; compare
  :004536C7    JNZ     00453751

What you can read out from the above assembler code? Well, our result from the previous calculation is multiplied by 7B0h. That's it. The company name is never used for the calculation.

So the complete code calculation works like the following:
1) get char from name
2) multiply that char by number of loop (counter)
3) add result of multiplication to a variable
4) repeat step 1-3 until there's no char left
5) multiply the variable by 7B0h

Now code your KeyGEN in your favourite programming language - like C++.
Already tried cracking my 2nd CrackMe?


// This is the C++ Source Code of my KeyGEN. I hope you like it.
// I've compiled it using Symantec C/C++ 6.11

#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main()
unsigned long EAX, R47289C, R472898;
char name[100]         = {0};

printf("   ____                     __       __\n");
printf("  /  _/_ _  __ _  ___  ____/ /____ _/ /\n");
printf(" _/ //  ' \\/  ' \\/ _ \\/ __/ __/ _ `/ /\n");
printf("/___/_/_/_/_/_/_/\\___/_/  \\__/\\_,_/_/\n");
printf("   ____                          __          __\n");
printf("  / __ \\___ ___ _______ ___  ___/ /__ ____  / /____\n");
printf(" / /_/ / -_|_-</ __/ -_) _ \\/ _  / _ `/ _ \\/ __(_-<\n");

for (;;){
printf("\nPostgebühren 98 1.12 KeyGEN - d0NE bY TORN@DO in '99\n");
printf("Name:                 ");

if (strlen(name)<7)
printf("ERROR:                NAME can't be less than 7 chars long!");
 return 0;
else break;


EAX     = 0;
R472898 = 0;

// convert name to uppercase
for (R47289C=1; R47289C<=strlen(name); R47289C++)
name[R47289C-1] = toupper(name[R47289C-1]);

// part 1 of calculation
for (R47289C=1; R47289C<=strlen(name); R47289C++)
EAX     = name[R47289C-1];  // get char of name
EAX     = EAX * R47289C;    // multiply by number of loop
R472898 = R472898 + EAX;    // add result (EAX) to variable

// part 2 of calculation
EAX = R472898 * 0x7B0;

// print out the registration number
printf("Registration Number:  %lu", EAX);

return 0;

Another target has been Reverse Engineerd. Any questions (no crack requests)?

If you're USING Post Gebühren BEYOND it's FREE TRIAL PERIOD, then please BUY IT.

Copyright © 1999 by TORN@DO and The Immortal Descendants. All Rights Reserved.