# robots.txt for ftp://plan9.bell-labs.com and http://plan9.bell-labs.com # see http://web.nexor.co.uk/mak/doc/robots/norobots.html # and http://www.conman.org/people/spc/robots2.html # # put recently-added features last in case they cause # the reader to stop reading. # Visit-time is a GMT time range of allowed access. # Request-rate for us is a maximum of one page per 5 seconds, at all hours. # Crawl-delay is apparently only for msnbot. # User-agent: Googlebot User-agent: msnbot # the corporate crawler User-agent: LSgsa-crawler Disallow: /RealAudio/ Disallow: /bl-traces/ Disallow: /fast-os/ Disallow: /hidden/ Disallow: /historic/ Disallow: /incoming/ Disallow: /inferno/ Disallow: /magic/ Disallow: /netlib.depend/ Disallow: /netlib/ Disallow: /p9trace/ Disallow: /plan9/sources/ Disallow: /sources/ Disallow: /tmp/ Disallow: /tripwire/ Visit-time: 0700-1200 Request-rate: 1/5 Crawl-delay: 5 User-agent: * Disallow: / # # Also, note that the prefixes ftp:// and http:// lead to the # same files. # # the following are aliases for the same machine. # cm.bell-labs.com # cs.bell-labs.com # netlib.bell-labs.com # outside.cs.bell-labs.com # plan9.bell-labs.com # plan9.cs.bell-labs.com # www.cs.bell-labs.com