Math for programmers

My Math for programmers book, which is rather a compilation of my old blog posts, got its 15 minutes of fame at HN, reddit, etc: HN, reddit, twitter

Also, Chinese news about Go PL 1, 2, 3, and something in Polish...

It's also recommended by Kaspersky company.

Of course, I should work more on it.

And I got to know there is already a book with the same name by Paul Orland, so I should find another title. Which isn't an easy problem, since a vast corpus of math books already published.

My current idea is "Math(ematics) in code(s)", that could be rhymed with "poetry in code". Any objections? Suggestions? I'm not a native English speaker, so I prone to faux pas.

What do you think I should write about in such a book? I need a feedback, so don't hesitate to drop me whatever ideas you have, in brainstorm mode.

List of my other blog posts.

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