[Unix] Maildir, mutt and vim

I'm a huge fan of mutt mail reader and Maildir.

My mutt spawn vim in console, and I can chat with anyone as fast, as in any faddish messenger.

Maildir is cool.

The following bash script I use to print info about new emails in Maildir (From and Subject):

if [ ! -z "$(ls -A ~/Maildir/new/)" ]; then
    cat ~/Maildir/new/* | grep "^\(From\|Subject\):"

(Adjust it to your folders.)

This script prints new email counts in each Maildir folder:

cd ~/Maildir
find . -name new | sort |
while read LINE;
        files=$(find "$LINE" -type f -name '*' -print | wc -l)
        if [ "$files" != "0" ]; then
                echo $LINE - $files | sed 's/\/new//g'

Sample result:

./.Archives - 4
./.mail-lists - 2
./notifications - 1
./.SPAM - 8
./.Trash - 105

Now about mailing lists I'm subscribed to. Can I see a statistics, what today's trends are?

 % cd ~/Maildir/.mail-lists/cur

 % cat * | grep "^Subj"  | sort | uniq -c | sort -n

     10 Subject: Re: [Tinycc-devel] Unable to find include directories by tcc on
     12 Subject: Re: Any missed features?
     12 Subject: Re: [Tinycc-devel] manually inlining functions
     12 Subject: Re: [Tinycc-devel] [PATCH 3/3] stdatomic: stdatomic.h header
     12 Subject: Re: [Tinycc-devel] -Werror=X (but ugly)
     12 Subject: Re: [Tinycc-devel] x86_64 tcc doesn't set sign bit on NaNs
     13 Subject: Re: [Tinycc-devel] Outdated .def files
     14 Subject: Re: Check witness validity with benchexec?
     14 Subject: Re: Help testing release candidate / mc-4.8.27-rc1
     17 Subject: Re: [Tinycc-devel] [PATCH] stdatomic: ld/st/xchg/cmpxchg on simple
     21 Subject: Re: [Tinycc-devel] issues/questions with stddef.h which comes with
     24 Subject: Re: [Tinycc-devel] enforced immutability - proposed research project
     29 Subject: Re: [Tinycc-devel] Linking system dylibs on macOS 11+
     32 Subject: Re: [Tinycc-devel] Segfault on arm64 when making a function call
     53 Subject: [cwn] Attn: Development Editor, Latest OCaml Weekly News

What activity on github's projects I'm subscribed to?

 % cd ~/Maildir/.mail-lists/cur

 % cat * | grep "^To.*github"  | sort | uniq -c | sort -n

    229 To: sosy-lab/sv-benchmarks 
    238 To: 9fans/plan9port 
    328 To: MiniZinc/libminizinc 
    438 To: stp/stp 
    684 To: vprover/vampire 
    714 To: klee/klee 
   1301 To: tlaplus/tlaplus 
   2732 To: angr/angr 
   4455 To: Z3Prover/z3 
   5358 To: CVC4/CVC4 
   9311 To: diffblue/cbmc 
   9331 To: cvc5/cvc5 

 % cat * | grep "^Subj"  | sort | uniq -c | sort -n

     63 Subject: Re: [Z3Prover/z3] [Consolidated] soundness issues, invalid models,
     66 Subject: Re: [diffblue/cbmc] Adds documentation about function contracts
     67 Subject: Re: [vprover/vampire] Induction with recursive functions (#259)
     71 Subject: Re: [CVC4/CVC4] Optimizer for BitVectors (#6213)
     72 Subject: Re: [diffblue/cbmc] Allow checks to be performed inside quantifier
     78 Subject: Re: [diffblue/cbmc] Cache dereferences during symex to avoid
     86 Subject: Re: [Z3Prover/z3] [Consolidated] issues affecting
     97 Subject: Re: [Z3Prover/z3] [Consolidated] issues with
    104 Subject: Re: [CVC4/CVC4] Replace old sygus term reconstruction algorithm with
    109 Subject: Re: [diffblue/cbmc] Add support for assigns clauses on loops (#6249)
    119 Subject: Re: [CVC4/CVC4] Add Solver.java to the Java API (#6196)
    134 Subject: Re: [CVC4/CVC4] Refactor / reimplement statistics (#6162)
    137 Subject: Re: [Z3Prover/z3] Add move semantics to c++ api (#5156)
    141 Subject: [Z3Prover/z3] Pre-release Nightly - Nightly
    144 Subject: [aimacode/aima-exercises] Request to get Community solution for
    233 Subject: Re: [tlaplus/tlaplus] Trace explorer fixes and enhancements (#588)

Can you do this in your favorite email client? Or maybe google mail, god forbid me?

I also use mairix as a search engine for my Maildir emails. (The only issue with it is that it can't handle utf-8.)

I probably should upgrade to mu

Anyway, call this Python script from mutt ('|' (Pipe to command), then type ./search.py). The 'From' field of the email message you're currently at will be passed to the script:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import fileinput, os

for line in fileinput.input():
    if line.startswith ("From:"):
        if s[0]=='<' and s[-1]=='>':
        print (s)
        os.system ("mairix -f ~/mail/.mairixrc tf:" + s)

print ("Error, can't parse this: ",line)

Depending on mairix's config file, all your correspondence with that email will be gathered in 'Search' folder, which can be browsed in mutt.

Easily trim SPAM and Trash folders:

echo -ne files removed in .SPAM:
find ~/Maildir_main/.SPAM -mindepth 1 -mtime +30 -print -delete | wc -l
echo -ne files removed in .Trash:
find ~/Maildir_main/.Trash -mindepth 1 -mtime +30 -print -delete | wc -l

Moving emails is very easy in mc (midnight commander). Because each email is a single file. Also, filename starts with Unix timestamp, so that all files are sorted.

(Post updated: 20240510.)

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