My Wget patches:

--limit-size option support. Nothing special: just skip any HTTP/FTP file with size bigger than set in --limit-size= while mirroring a website.

Size can be set as nnnM, nnnk (megabytes, kilobytes).

Wget 1.21.3 patch

Full patched 1.21.3 source tree

Patched and compiled for Ubuntu 20.04

Patched and compiled for Ubuntu 22.04

Wget 1.18 patch

Full patched 1.18 source tree

Patched and compiled (linux x64)

Wget 1.13.4 patch

Full patched 1.13.4 source tree

Patched and compiled (cygwin, win32)

Patched and compiled (linux x86)

Make it exit on specific HTTP error (patch for 1.12):

--- http.c~	2009-09-22 06:02:18.000000000 +0300
+++ http.c	2011-08-03 14:43:00.000000000 +0300
@@ -2673,6 +2673,8 @@
               logprintf (LOG_NOTQUIET, _("%s ERROR %d: %s.\n"),
                          tms, hstat.statcode,
                          quotearg_style (escape_quoting_style, hstat.error));
+              if (hstat.statcode==503)
+                  exit(1);
           logputs (LOG_VERBOSE, "\n");
           ret = WRONGCODE;

Update from 2021:

Date: Sat, 1 May 2021 23:07:11 +0800
From: YAN Hui Hang (yanhuihang(@)
Subject: Add a libnettle6 link to [wget]? (since that it was removed from the latest Ubuntu 20.04 package list)

Hello, I find your works [] very useful! Thanks
a lot for that.

The precompiled (linux x64 patched wget 1.18) requires libnettle6, which is
removed from the latest Ubuntu 20.04 packages. I found that this version
[] works great, so maybe it is
good add this link.


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