Short notes

20240430 12:14:23 EEST

Formally speaking, this is transitive relation:

Introducer status is transferable; that is, an introducers’ introducer will become your introducer as well. (syncthing manual)

20240422 07:15:31 EEST

And again, I've been attacked by heavy Unix psychosis.

In Our Time podcast

Getting all mp3 files from In Our Time podcast

curl | xmlstarlet format --indent-tab | grep -oE '(http|https)://(.*).mp3' | sort | uniq | wget -nc -i -

xmlstarlet to tidy XML output (must be installed).

grep -o to extract only URL with mp3 extension

wget -nc -i - to download URLs from stdin, but skip existing files (XML output may contain duplicates)

BBC news podcast

In the same manner, get ~5 recent BBC news podcasts (only head -20 added and RSS URL changed):

curl | xmlstarlet format --indent-tab | grep -oE '(http|https)://(.*).mp3' | head -20 | wget -nc -i -

head -20, again, because of MP3 URL duplicates.

Luke’s ENGLISH Podcast

Getting Luke’s ENGLISH Podcast, but only for the year 2024.

wget -m
grep -R https | grep mp3 | grep -oE '(http|https)://(.*).mp3' | grep -v paypal | grep "^" > URLs

URLs file needs a bit cleaning, and then:

wget -i URLs

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