Dennis Yurichev's blog

Welcome to the ultimate, radical and uncompromisingly primitive pre-web1.0-style blog and website. Let's party like it's ~1993-1996.

Main topics: CS, math, reverse engineering, SAT/SMT solvers, cryptography, tinkering with *NIX...

2025-Mar-27 A password with required digit/special character may be weaker.
2025-Mar-25 [CS] Generating pangrams using z3 SMT-solver
2025-Mar-24 [CS] Deduplicate your music collection using z3 SMT-solver
2025-Mar-03 [RevEng] Exercises: 2+2=5 pranks.
2025-Feb-27 [Math] Tolkien's printed/published books as different scales
2025-Feb-27 Levenshtein distance and weak passwords
2024-Dec-10 What's with (non-)greedy regexps?
2024-Nov-30 [Crypto][Newbies] An easy cryptographical challenge (RSA): solution
2024-Nov-29 [Math][Python] Cartesian product
2024-Nov-16 [Crypto] Suckless password manager
2024-Nov-01 [Crypto][Newbies] An easy cryptographical challenge (RSA)
2024-Oct-29 [Math] Weed out SEO domains using entropy metric
2024-Oct-28 Finite Automata (FA) / Finite State Machine (FSM) in cheap wristwatch
2024-Oct-15 Lisp/Scheme code in VMware WS 17.6.1
2024-Oct-11 Happy birthday to me!
2024-Oct-04 [Math] Division by multiplication: simplest possible explanation
2024-Sep-19 Cracking simple XOR cipher with simulated annealing, part II: MATLAB
2024-Sep-17 [Math] Cracking Wi-Fi password using combinatorics, part II
2024-Aug-13 [Math] Walking passwords
2024-Aug-13 [Math] Project Euler 158: solving it using Google OR-tools
2024-Aug-06 [Math] Cracking Wi-Fi password using combinatorics
2024-Aug-03 [Math] Project Euler 44, solving it using Google OR-tools
2024-Jul-27 [Russian] Мой блог на русском языке
2024-Jul-24 [Math] Project Euler 166, solving it using Google OR-tools
2024-Jul-21 [Math] Project Euler 164: solving it using Google OR-tools
2024-Jul-19 [SAT] Parallel SAT solver Mallob used in DynexCoin cryptocurrency
2024-Jul-18 [Math][SAT] Project Euler 877 and 878: solving using SAT-solver
2024-Jul-17 [Math] Project Euler 108 and 110
2024-Jul-10 [Math] Calculus: derivatives of x^2 and x^3: visual demonstration
2024-Jul-04 [Math] Project Euler 142 and Google OR-tools
2024-Jun-27 Regexp pre-processing
2024-Jun-20 [Math] Using cube root in hiking
2024-May-29 [Crypto] Encrypt/decrypt with SSH keys
2024-May-29 [Crypto] SSH protocol dissected, part V: toy SSH client with ECC in ~2k SLOC of Python
2024-May-25 [Math] IEEE 754 exponent as binary logarithm
2024-May-25 [Math] Logarithmic scale in VirtualBox GUI
2024-May-23 SSH servers survey in spring 2024
2024-May-29 [Crypto] Using HTTPS certificates to sign/encrypt arbitrary data
2024-May-18 [Crypto] SSL/TLS, part 4: Toy TLS 1.2 client under ~2k SLOC of Python.
2024-May-14 [Python] Regex backreferences -- yet another use
2024-May-10 [Math][Pure C] Theory of pure equality
2024-May-10 [Crypto] SSL/TLS, part 3: Toy TLS 1.2 client in ~1600 SLOC of Python.

Russian blog.

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My old blogs: 1, 2, 3.

Short notes: in English, in Russian.